Josep Suñol Collection Signs and Writing
10.06.2010 - 02.10.2010
Fundació Suñol presents Signs and writing, a collective exhibition which hosts around fifty works of the artists Tàpies, Llimós, Rabascall, Aballí, Zush/Evru, Menegon, Alexanco, Viladecans, Aguilar, Chillida, Salinas, Millares, Socías, Sabaté, Parramon, Broto, Teixidor, Boetti, Miralda, Weiner, Guzmán and Pazos among others, all of them part of collection funds and carried out between 1972 and 2008.
The exhibition’s aim is to emphasize the role of signs and writing in the visual arts of the second half of the 20th century, taking a special look at these symbolic applications.
Codes and systems of symbols have been commonly used throughout the course of history to organise individual senses and facilitate their collective comprehension. From remote times we find in art the use of signs and after of the alphabet or writing as structural components of composition.
But it is not until the 20th century that script gets enough weight to get into the historical parameter as an aesthetic criterion. In parallel, the study of language is extended to all fields of knowledge and the presence of signs and typographies starts to invade all the artistic movements, from Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Lettrism and Constructivism to Pop Art.
The exhibition is divided in four sections and, as with the evolution of all communicative acts, the exhibition runs from the most innate sign to the most intellectual writing. In the works shown the message is sometimes explicit, other times suggested, sometimes with textual or graphic references, but always delivered through iconographic elements that reflect each artist’s deliberate interaction with each and every spectator, from the most evocative visual lecture to the most understandable.
The aim of the exhibition is to highlight, through a significant number of works from de Josep Suñol Collection, the paper of sign and writing in the 20th century art, as a structure for artist’s thinking and its subsequent aesthetic expression.
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