Act 30: Lúa Corderch Or
22.10.2014 - 10.01.2015
What is the amount of work required to produce an image? Gold is a videographic narration about how value and charisma are generated, and what is its relationship with distance, opacity and appearance.
In the form of a concatenation of ideas and anecdotes, the narrative overlies a series of views of an enclosed space, as if it were a studio, a warehouse or an exhibition that is only accessible by means of the filmed image.
Lúa Coderch
Iquitos (Perú), 1982. Lives and works in Barcelona.
Master on Production and Artistic Research (2012) and BA in Fine Art by the University of Barcelona. Her work has been shown in solo shows such as La parte que falta (galería Bacelos, Madrid), La muntanya màgica (Espai 13, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona. Curated by Oriol Fontdevila), Paràbola (Capella de Sant Roc, Valls. Curated by Joana Hurtado), Recopilar les fotografies sense memòria de l’arxiu familiar (EspaiDos, Terrassa. Curated by Alexandra Laudo) and Estratègies per desapareixer (La Capella, espai Cub, Barcelona. BCN Producció’11) and in group shows such as La blague infinite (La Panacée, Montpellier. Curated by Alexandra Laudo), The World of Interiors (The Green Parrot, Barcelona. Curated by Rosa Lleó and João Laia), Absence as a pretext (galería Fran Reus. Curated by Tolo Cañellas), El espacio cósmico estaba ahí, en dos o tres centímetros (galería Bacelos, Madrid and Vigo. Curated by Juan Canela), Le Périmetre Interne (Institut Français, Barcelona. Curated by Andrea Rodríguez and Veronica Valentini), Critical Botox in times of 2.0 Feudalism (Pavilion, Bucarest. Curated by Álex Brahim), ClaResil 2012mg (La Capella, Barcelona. Curated by Álex Brahim), Pogo (Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona) or Pas de Deux (The Private Space, Barcelona. Curated by Pedro Torres). She has been a resident artist at Smart Project Space (Amsterdam) under the HANGAR-AECID International Exchange Programme and in recent years has won the PAIR scholarship of the Fundació Suñol, the scholarship for artistic creation of the Fundació Guasch-Coranty, the CoNCA scholarship for research and artistic creation and the production scholarship of the Sala d’Art Jove of the Generalitat de Catalunya, among others. She is represented by the Bacelos gallery.
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