Act 21: Francesc Ruiz The paper trail

Act 21: Francesc Ruiz

The paper trail

23.12.2011 - 04.02.2012

The Green Detour is a multiple-issue comic book that acts as a crossover between the Cairo adventures of four of the main characters in the history of Egyptian comics: Tintin, Donald Duck, Samir and the Crushed Citizen. These characters also symbolise key moments in the history of the country and the city of Cairo.

Cairo Newsstand reproduces one of the typical kiosks found on pavements across the city. A community of paperweights seems to have taken over this space and is using speech bubbles to voice their opinions on the city, life in the newsstand and the news around them, with comments ranging from folklore to political allegory.

The First Comic Shop in Egypt, is ultimately a reflection on what was to be the first specialist comic shop ever in Egypt, a project that came up against many hurdles and wasn’t actually able to be carried out.

Francesc Ruiz (Barcelona, 1971) is a plastic artist. Since the 1990s his work has centred on drawing and he now uses comics as an expanded medium. By applying a series of strategies from conceptual art and situationism traditions, he creates installations and interventions linked to specific contexts. His latest solo exhibitions include The Yaois (Galeria Estrany – de la Mota, Barcelona, 2011), 100 i més (etHall, Barcelona, 2011), Gasworks Yaoi (Gasworks, London, 2010), The Paper Trail (Contemporary Image Collective, Cairo, 2010) and Big Boom (Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida, 2008).

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