Exterior | Interior Dialogic visit
13.07.2022, 18:30
On the occasion of the exhibition Exterior | Interior, the Fundació Suñol organizes a guided visit by the foundation’s team.
The exhibition adaptation of the digital project It started with water, curated by Alexia Medici and presented during 2021, has the will to reflect on historical memory and contemporary creation. We will be able to see the richness of the stories of 8 national and international artists, showing how the project has woven links between different entities and organizations from Sants-Montjuïc and Les Corts.
Date and hour
Wednesday July 13 at 12:00 p.m.
Free entrance (with reservation)
More info
Visita in Catalan.
Limited places.
It is necessary to subscribe through the web, by phone (934 961 032) or e-mail (info@fundaciosunol.org).