Fall 2016 Literartura
This fall, Fundació Suñol starts a new activity focused in the relationship between art and literature. Once a month, we propose a reading that is linked to the artistic field because of its content or context. The titles have been selected taking the current exhibition and the collection into account.
With regard to the readings proposed, we will celebrate a colloquium at the foundation with the participation of artists, writers and curators. Each session will be centered in two different readings. The main one should be read by all the participants, and the secondary one –aimed at those who read a lot– can be used as complementary.
Session 1
October 24 2016, 18h – 20h
Guided tour to Camins encontrats: Joan Rabascall (obres 1975 i 2012)
Colloquium about:
Luis Martín Santos. Tiempo de silencio, ed. Crítica 2005
Sigmund Freud, Psicopatología de la vida cotidiana, Alianza Editorial 2011
With the presence of Joan Rabascall
Both readings were proposed by the artist that is exhibited at Fundació Suñol this October, Joan Rabascall. Martín Santos’ novel, originally published in 1962, was the most meaningful literary piece of the postwar period and the first years of Franco’s dictatorship. Using the social realism tradition, Martín Santos explores James Joyce’s stylistic legacy while showing the characteristics of the society he lived in.
Psicopatología de la vida cotidiana, originally published in 1904, studies the reasons of the absentmindedness and the mistakes on speech and writing as unconscious expressions. As it is based on daily life experiences that we all share, it has become one of Freud’s most popular pieces.
Sessió 2
November 21 2016, 18h – 20h
Guided tour to ACT 35: Tatiana Busto Garcia. Paisaje en fuga
Colloquium about:
Robert Walser, El paseo, ed. Siruela 2014
Carl Seelig, Paseos con Robert Walser, ed. Siruela 2009
This session will be based on the itineraries and the wanderings as elements that generate artistic experience. We will read Robert Walser (1878 – 1956), author of reference for many artists and writers, such as Walter Benjamin, Enrique Vila-Matas or W.G. Sebald. Robert Walser is a key figure for the conceptual artists who use itineraries on their work.
Carl Seelig and Robert Walser were friends, as Seelig often visited Walser at the Waldau psychiatric clinic in Bern, where he spent his last years. He was not able to write anymore, so Seelig took notes of all the conversations they had and transcribed them in order to save his words.
Session 3
December 19 2016, 18h – 20h
Guided tour to Darío Villalba. Resplandor seco
Colloquium about:
David Foster Wallace (1962-2008), Extinción, Random House Mondadori, Debolsillo, 2007
David Foster Wallace, La broma infinita, Debolsillo 2011
With the presence of Victor Balcell Mata, writer, and Daniel Moreno Roldan, visual artist
Victor Balcells Matas will introduce us into Foster Wallace’s universe and Daniel Moreno Roldan will share with us his reading of El canal del sufrimiento, a story included in Extinción.
Foster Wallace is a key figure in what is known as “postmodern literature”. La broma infinita, his most celebrated novel, turns twenty this year. It has become a classic, often compared to Joyce’s Ulises or Sterne’s Tristram Shandy. Darío Villalba’s “Encapsulados” will help us to understand the character’s backgrounds, caught up in the translucent isolation of Modernity.
Activity coordinated by Helena Rotés in collaboration with Cal Cego.
Helena Rotés (1954) has taught the courses Escriure sobre Art per descobrir l’Art d’escriure, Lectures d’Art i Literatura and L’Art com a Pre-Text at the Escola d’Escriptura de l’Ateneu Barcelonès from 2004 to 2009.
Nowadays, she teaches Art History courses at the Escola de Formació Permanent del Professorat del Col·legi de Llicenciats de Barcelona.
Date and hour
October 24 2016, 18h – 20h
November 21 2016, 18h – 20h
December 19 2016, 18h – 20h
More info