Spring 2017 Literarture

Spring 2017


29.05.2017 - 19.06.2017

Session 1

Monday 29th of May 2017, 18h – 20h

Guided visit through Camins encontrats: Miralda. Obres 1977 i 2015

Colloquium about the readings:
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, Fisiología del gusto, Ediciones Trea, 2012
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Coloquio de los perros, Alianza Editorial, 2005
With the participation of Xavier de Luca, exhibition coordinator and Deputy Director at the Fundació Suñol

Author of legal and politic essays, Brillat-Savarin dedicated his last years to Fisiología del gusto, a book about food. The result is a fascinating and jumbled work where science and history are mixed, as well as poetry and narrations where the main characters are food products. Through this genre fusion, Brillat-Savarin wrote a pleasant book, although the illustrated author aimed to stablish the basis for a new discipline: gastronomy as seen by a scientific point of view.

Cipión and Berganza are two dogs to which Miguel de Cervantes gives the faculty of talking at night. They are the main characters of this picaresque tale. The animal humanity is compared with the human animality, and that serves as the starting point to portray the society of his time.


Session 2

Monday 19th of June 2017, 18h – 20h

Guided visit through Act 37: Marc Larré. De aquellas fotos, estos barros

Colloquium about the readings:
Maria Zambrano, Pensamiento y poesía en la vida española, ed. Biblioteca Nueva, 2004
Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, Industrias y andanzas de Alfanhuí, Ediciones Destino, 2009

With the participation of the artist Marc Larré

Pensamiento y poesía en la vida española constitutes Maria Zambrano’s response to a two-faced crisis: on the one hand, the European crisis on idealist reason –as a paradigm that lost his fundamental role on the meaning of existence–, and on the other hand, the Spanish crisis, known as “Spain’s problem”, that started during the last years of the 19th century and ended with the traumatizing experience of the Civil War and the later exile of numerous members of the republican side. The overcoming of this problem necessarily demands a new model of rationality that the author believes to find in the Spanish cultural tradition. Through an interpretation of this tradition, Zambrano discovers in “Spanish realism” a genuine form of Hispanic thought, which she calls poetic knowledge, characterized by an inclination to the materiality of things, which inhibits all kinds of abstraction, and she does that through an eminently practical vocation.

“A wonderful book that turns into reality what doesn’t exist: Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio invented a boy and left with him through the roads of his country and wrote the most beautiful book of his time. […] A story full of true lies” (Miguel Delibes). Alfanhuí is the itinerant spectator of strange but real men. He lives the adventures without getting upset, adapting them to a fantastic everyday nature where everything seems to fit perfectly.


Literarture is an activity coordinated by Helena Rotés in collaboration with Cal Cego.

Helena Rotés (1954) has taught the courses Escriure sobre Art per descobrir l’Art d’escriureLectures d’Art i Literatura and L’Art com a Pre-Text at the Escola d’Escriptura de l’Ateneu Barcelonès from 2004 to 2009. Nowadays, she teaches Art History courses at the Escola de Formació Permanent del Professorat del Col·legi de Llicenciats de Barcelona.


Price for both sessions: 12€
Price of single session: 8€

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