Screening and talk around five videos The right distance
21.05.2015, 19:00
Screening and talk with Xavier Antich and Alexandra Laudo
Artists: León Siminiani, Marta Burugorri, Luz Broto, Adrian Melis, Levi Orta
Curated by: Alexandra Laudo
The videos that comprise The Right Distance explore the concepts of rules, prohibition and law and their potential room for interpretation. They examine the political value of actions that challenge the established regulations while simultaneously attempting to maintain an appearance of legality. The videos are the work of Spanish and Latin American artists who are reflecting on the critical potential of “cheating” as a disguised form of subversion, as a response to existing regulatory structures and a manifestation of the rejection of normative order.
“Cheating” implies the subversion of the law in a non-explicit way: defying the authorities and attempting to evade the corresponding penalty, or finding the right distance that allows you to stay within the law yet be outside it at the same time. When such an attitude arises from a mistrust of those who govern us and other authority figures, the acts of the “cheat” could be interpreted as a means of questioning the legitimacy of those in power; a form of political resistance and a strategic manifestation of dissent that is an alternative to simple confrontation.
This activity consists of a commented screening of the video programme The right distance, followed by a debate with Alexandra Laudo and Xavier Antich, the public and some of the artists.