With Clara Garí, Marc Caellas and Esteban Feune de Colombi Admirable! lightning and no one understands anything

With Clara Garí, Marc Caellas and Esteban Feune de Colombi

Admirable! lightning and no one understands anything

08.02.2024, 18:30

We will get together to walk just a little and talk even less:

Matsuo Bashô walked his entire life. His pilgrimage was like a blank canvas, like the snow fallen on the roads of Japan, like the trail of the river that has left Eva Lootz here.

I will talk about walking as a strategy that the body has to find the soul and that the work of art has to find the community that supports it. I will talk about this.

I’ve been walking all my life. Many things that I now know about the road have been taught to me by a project that is now ten years old: Grand Tour is a walk of about 250 km and three weeks long that participants do in the company of artists from all disciplines. As the years have passed, we have replaced the shows and exhibitions that we did along the way, with a daily and creative coexistence where artists and walkers of all kinds form a community that cannot be said either of artists or of audiences, but rather something halfway between both, or rather, beyond both. It is a nomadic and ephemeral caravan whose uses and customs are agreed upon, built and quickly diluted and which temporarily modifies, much or little, the behavior of all participants. This is how the group becomes a provisional but consistent society that depends on both walking and creation and is capable of reflecting, investigating and creating in a collective context. This is also how walking has become a way of life, or many, for Eva Lootz, Matsuo Bashô, Marco Caellas, Esteban Feune de Colombi…and so many others.

We won’t talk much, instead we invite you for a walk.


Desde este instante

Quisiera ser llamado

El caminante

Matsuo Bâsho 15 d’octubre de 1687

(On October 15, 1687, Basho went on a trip again. He composed this poem as a farewell greeting to his new disciples that he was leaving behind. This is how the diary called “Cuaderno de mi mochila” Matsuo Bashô Poesia Completa . Beñat Arginzoniz, ed.)

Clara Garí is an artist, writer and walker. He often makes sure things happen.

Director of the Centre de Creació Contemporània Nau Côclea and the interdisciplinary creation program Grand Tour. Coordinator of the International Congress “Walking Art and Relational Geographies” (the next edition at the University of Girona and Museu Darder de Banyoles July 1-6, 2024)

Among the most important things in his life are some readings, the mastery of some people, the educational work in India, the coexistence with hundreds of artists during the 28 years of life of Nau Côclea, and making his dream of an art come true. alive, without minutia, on the roads, the forests and the torrents of the territories. He is writing a book on this topic, very slowly, very slowly.

Marc Caellas and Esteban Feune de Colombi are two artists who work with writing, theater, and performance in hybrid projects that become books, plays, performances or audiovisual installations.

Drift is a crucial part of his life and artistic practice, which is exactly the same as they go hand in hand. Or the feet: no joke. They like walking artists and writers. They love nomads, nomads, vagabonds. They have made books and works while walking. Walking, marching: routes, itineraries, routes, pilgrimages. Their meetings are even long walks through any city.

His latest works released are ¿Qué es el agua?, where water is worked as a vital element, the sea as scenery and as a soundtrack, as a poetic space but at the same time of tension between continents, as a space of freedom but at its own instead of conflict; Yo sé perder, a festival of rejections; Oficina de amaneceres, a poetic performance; Bolaño, vuelve a casa, and Sin timón & en el delirio, two pieces written for the public space from the universe of the poetry of Roberto Bolaño and Mario Santiago Papasquiaro.

Date and hour

Thursday, February 8 at 6:30 p.m.


Fundació Suñol (Mejía Lequerica 14)


€5.00 (You will receive the payment link once the reservation is made)


All publics

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Activity in Catalan and Spanish

It is essential to book via the web, telephone (934 961 032) or e-mail (info@fundaciosunol.org).
