MORTALS (Preludi)
ACVIC. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies, Vic
04/11/2023 – 27/01/2024
The Fundació Suñol participates in the exhibition MORTALS (Preludi) organized by the Centre d’Arts Contemporànies de Vic and curated by Roser Sanjuan, Albert Potrony and Maite Palomo.
MORTALS (Preludi) is a choral exhibition in which a selection of works by Albert Potrony about old age, cures, memory and loss, created in collaboration with diverse individuals and groups, establish conversations with a series of pieces by contemporary artists. formally and conceptually close to the three thematic axes of the exhibition: cures, aging and dependency.
The Fundació Suñol collaborates in this exhibition through the loan of works from the Suñol Soler Collection:
Rosa Amorós. Crani negre, 2000
Rosa Amorós. UAP, 2007