Act 5: Kanta Horio

Act 5:

Kanta Horio

26.04.2008, 19:00

Kanta Horio (Hiroshima, 1978) is a Japanese artist living in Tokyo, that combines computer programming with kinetic objects, electronics and musical interfaces, build by himself.
His work consists in audiovisual installations and performances –looking simple and minimalist, but with a shape and structure very sensitive and meticulous– is based on physical phenomena and used motors, electromagnets, contact microphones, balance mechanisms, video cameras and other objects.
In addition of his activity as an artist and cultural animator in Japan, Kanta Horio has acted throughout the world since 2001, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Belgium and Holland.

Produced by: l’ull cec
With the technical collaboration of Fundació Phonos.

Sponsors and collaborators

l'ull cec
