Sessions around the exhibition Camins Encontrats Lecture 1. Information network

Sessions around the exhibition Camins Encontrats

Lecture 1. Information network

08.11.2016, 18:30

In addition to the attached program that specifies the topics to be discussed, additional information about these topics is available to those interested. The main aim of the organizers of the project Camins encontrats is that the classroom becomes a vital space to deepen and reflect critically on the contents and objectives on display.


Lecture 1 — Media, information and power images. From Franco regime to nowadays.
Jaume Guillamet — Professor of Journalism at UPF

This session will reflect on Francoism as an oppressor regime that used the media to impose its ideology and purposes. During that period, the press was the only form of media that had some freedom since 1966. Consequently, new tendencies did not have enough presence and were left relegated to the cultural and specialized press. Examples of such control are the arrest of journalist Josep María Huertas, or official reactions and the extreme right against the intervention in 1968 of Arranz Bravo and Bartolozzi on the façade of the factory Tipel at Parets del Vallès, or even the churches painted by Lluís Bosch Martí.
