Winter – Spring 2017 Literarture
20.02.2017 - 24.04.2017
Literarture is an activity focused in the relationship between art and literature. Once a month, we propose a reading that is linked to the artistic field because of its content or context.
The titles have been selected taking the current exhibition and the collection into account. With regard to the readings proposed, we will celebrate a colloquium at the foundation with the participation of artists, writers and curators.
Session 1
Monday 20th of February 2017, 18h – 20h
Guided visit through Act 36: Jordi Mitjà. L’escultura no és important
Colloquium about the readings:
Bohumil Hrabal, Una soledad demasiado ruidosa, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2015
Richard Sennett, El artesano, Anagrama, Barcelona, 2009
With the participation of the artist, Jordi Mitjà
The work of Jordi Mitjà incorporates construction techniques and materials. It uses the object as an element that has been socially rejected. Una soledad demasiado ruidosa, Bohumil Hrabal’s last published novel, tells Hanta’s story, a qorker at a paper shredder whose task consists on pressing books and reproductions of works of art. Hanta destroys books, but he sometimes saves some and he accumulates them in his house within an existential solitude that assumes with some complacency.
El artesano, a book by sociologist and historian Richard Sennett, is the first volume of a trilogy dedicated to “material culture”. His studies propose a reflection on social relations in cities and the effects of urban life on individuals in the context of global capitalism.
Session 2
Thursday 6th of April 2017, 18h – 20h
Guided visit through oriol vilapuig — The sexual night
Colloquium about the readings:
Pascal Quignard, La noche sexual, Funambulista, 2014
Pascal Quignard, Todas las mañanas del mundo, Espasa, 2008
With the participation of the artist, Oriol Vilapuig
The exhibition of Oriol Vilapuig takes the name of one of the works of Pascal Quignard, La nit sexual. The writer understands literature as a form of expression that mixes thought, life, fiction and knowledge, a writing that flows outside the genres.
La nit sexual takes place during a trip of the writer to the United States, where he noticed the voting on the law of decency through the media. The author defined it as “the American law on indecent images” and, worried about the possibility of censorship coming to Europe, he decided to write a book that collected a selection of the most beautiful erotic images of his private collection.
Sessió 3
Monday 24th of April 2017, 18h – 20h
Guided visit through Ajoblanco 1977
Colloquium about the readings:
Pepe Ribas, Los 70 a destajo, Destino, 2011
Nazario, La vida cotidiana del dibujante underground, Anagrama, 2016
With the participation of Pepe Ribas
The founder of the iconic magazine of the Spanish Transition, Ajoblanco, tries to reconstruct his memories as the architect of one of the most important cultural adventures of those years. The story of a utopia and its failure with the intertwined lives of many characters: Quim Monzó, Luis Racionero, Marshal, Nazario, Agustín Garcia Calvo, Canet Rock, Els Joglars and els Comedians, Ocaña, Burning, Terenci Moix, Moncho Alpuente, Salvador Paniker, Ceesepe and Pau Riba. We will revisit the book written by Pepe Ribas reviewing the issues discussed in the Ajoblanco magazines published in 1977, to confirm its validity today.
We will also review La vida cotidiana del dibujante underground, a sentimental and erotic dietary that tells the loves and adventures of the troupe that took part in the libertarian movement of Barcelona in the seventies and eighties, written by Nazario, one of the protagonists of that moment.
Activity coordinated by Helena Rotés in collaboration with Cal Cego.
Helena Rotés (1954) has taught the courses Escriure sobre Art per descobrir l’Art d’escriure, Lectures d’Art i Literatura and L’Art com a Pre-Text at the Escola d’Escriptura de l’Ateneu Barcelonès from 2004 to 2009. Nowadays, she teaches Art History courses at the Escola de Formació Permanent del Professorat del Col·legi de Llicenciats de Barcelona.